Bei der Personalvermittlung in der Technologie-Community geht es uns nicht nur darum, Stellen mit den passenden Kandidat*innen zu besetzen. Wir wollen andauernde Erfolgsgeschichten schreiben und unseren Beitrag zum Gedeihen der gesamten Technologiebranche leisten. Seit über 20 Jahren kooperieren wir mit unseren Partnerunternehmen aus der Branche beim Sponsoring von Branchenevents und Preisen, der Förderung von Nachwuchstalenten und der Auszeichnung außergewöhnlicher Unternehmen. Sie wollen mehr darüber erfahren, wie wir gemeinsam mit unseren Partnerunternehmen zu einer besseren Technologiebranche beitragen? Bewegen Sie einfach den Mauszeiger über das Symbol des jeweiligen Unternehmens.
UKESF is fantastic organisation. It works tirelessly to encourage students to enroll in high tech degrees and to encourage graduates to enter the electronics systems sector
The UKs leading industry body in the electronics sector. We are involved in the nmi's efforts to influence government policy to ensure that technology jobs, and so tax revenues, stay in the UK
Techworks is at the core of the uk deep tech community with an ambition to harness our fantastic engineering and innovation to develop the uk’s position as a global technology super-power.
IC resources sponsors the GSA annual european executive forum. The team at GSA is highly professional and do an excellent job of encouraging cooperation within the global semiconductor industry.
A leading wireless industry association is Cambridge Wireless - we're founding members. Their annual international event attracts senior executives from all over the world.
IPSE is the largest association of independent professionals in the EU representing over 67,000 freelancers, contractors and consultants from every sector.
Silicon Catalyst accelerates semiconductor startups from powerpoint to prototype
The IoTSF is a non-profit, global membership organisation striving to make the connected world ever-more secure. Overcoming the complex challenges posed by cybersecurity in our hyper-connected world
The Bessemer Society is a society formed of CEOs, founders and entrepreneurs who are committed to creating successful companies based on innovation in the fields of science and tech
Automotive Electronic Systems Innovation Network (AESIN) is an outstanding member-based community committed to create the next generation of UK-centric automotive electronics technologies