A rare individual

Relationship: Exclusive recruitment partner
Location: Guildford
Job Titles: Business Development Managers, Test Engineers, Application Manager and Application Engineers, Electronics/ Power Engineers, Planner, Buyer, Technician, Internal Sales Support
Timeline: Summer 2020 - ongoing
Services: End-to-end head-hunting services across multiple disciplines
Placements: 12+
We were initially approached in the late spring of 2020 by the Directors of IP Test to help find a Senior Business Development Manager who would in due course become part of the Senior Management team and help drive the future growth of the company.
They were looking for a rare individual with a very specific combination of technical industry experience, commercial acumen and management skills.
After detailed discussions, we submitted 4 senior candidates from across Europe, two of whom went through the full recruitment process, meeting the directors and founders. Conor proved an ideal match and joined in October 2020.
As IP Test continued to grow, they started planning to move to bigger offices in Guildford and to support their growth they needed several specialists hires across various disciplines. We both agreed an exclusive recruitment relationship would be the best solution for both parties. It would ensure a consistent message is given to the market about the future growth and career opportunities at IP Test.
Since we started this exclusive partnership at the beginning of 2021, we have placed 12 candidates across the business over a variety of technical disciplines. Over 1 in 2 CVs we have sent have resulted in interviews and 1 in 4 of those interviews has resulted in an offer. Over 85% of offers have been accepted.