Securing the soft skillz

In 2017, Secure Thingz were a team of seven. They had a unique and groundbreaking technology and Hayden Povey, the CEO wanted to scale the team quickly across both hardware and software disciplines. However, being based in the Cambridge area he was fully aware that these skills were in very strong demand and that it was a very competitive marketplace.
In addition, due to the other priorities that Hayden and his management team needed to focus on, he also needed a recruitment partner that could help minimise his team’s involvement in the recruitment process but still ensure that the best available talent was secured efficiently.
After several discussions we agreed that the best way forward would be for Secure Thingz to leverage our dedicated account management offering. This allowed Hayden and his team to have a dedicated single point of contact but still harness the collective power of our many specialist consultants. By using a dedicated recruitment partner this allowed us time to go to market with a consistent message regarding the attractiveness of the various opportunities at Secure Thingz. Weekly calls were put in place to provide updates and also alternative solutions to some of the more challenging hires were raised and discussed.
Over a period of c12-15 months we helped Secure Thingz scale by over 300% and in March 2018 they were acquired by IAR Systems. Growth has continued, with Secure Thingz now boasting over 50 employees. We have secured hires across a range of disciplines including Embedded Software, C#, Python, IT, Hardware and Technical Lead roles.